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Infinite loop

Netherland Dwarf posted this in #help-forum
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Netherland DwarfOP
Hey everyone, i have a infite loop when i try to insert data in my bd but the probleme it's i dont have infite loop when i dont try to insert and i just log my form. Someone help me ?

code :
import {Phase, Projet} from "@/utils/types/types";
import {LinkingOfferPhase} from "@/utils/types/databaseTypes";
import {useKocoContext} from "@/sections/moulinetteKoCo/context/KocoContext";
import {FormKOCO} from "@/sections/moulinetteKoCo/types";
import {useQueryClient} from "@tanstack/react-query";
import addPhaseProjetDB from "@/sections/moulinetteKoCo/utils/addPhaseProjetDB";
import {enqueueSnackbar} from "notistack";

type Props = {
    phases: Phase[];
    linkingOfferPhase: LinkingOfferPhase[] | undefined;
    project: Projet | null;

export async function UseInsertData({phases, linkingOfferPhase, project}: Props) {

    const {opportunities} = useKocoContext();

    const queryClient = useQueryClient();

    const findOpportunities = opportunities.filter((opportunity) =>
        linkingOfferPhase?.some((linking) => linking.offer_id === opportunity.offer_id)

    const phasesTmp = phases

    await Promise.all( (phase) => {
        try {
            const form: FormKOCO = {
                date_fin: "2024-12-02",
                date_debut: "2024-12-02",
                linking_opportunities: [],
                list_clickup_id: "",

            console.log("form", form);
            const result = await addPhaseProjetDB(form, project, queryClient);
            if (result) {
                enqueueSnackbar(`La phase ${} a été ajoutée avec succès`, {variant: "success"});
            } else {
                enqueueSnackbar(`Erreur lors de l'ajout de la phase ${}`, {variant: "error"});
        } catch (error) {
            console.error(`Erreur pour la phase ${}:`, error);

4 Replies

@Netherland Dwarf Hey everyone, i have a infite loop when i try to insert data in my bd but the probleme it's i dont have infite loop when i dont try to insert and i just log my form. Someone help me ? code : typescript import {Phase, Projet} from "@/utils/types/types"; import {LinkingOfferPhase} from "@/utils/types/databaseTypes"; import {useKocoContext} from "@/sections/moulinetteKoCo/context/KocoContext"; import {FormKOCO} from "@/sections/moulinetteKoCo/types"; import {useQueryClient} from "@tanstack/react-query"; import addPhaseProjetDB from "@/sections/moulinetteKoCo/utils/addPhaseProjetDB"; import {enqueueSnackbar} from "notistack"; type Props = { phases: Phase[]; linkingOfferPhase: LinkingOfferPhase[] | undefined; project: Projet | null; }; export async function UseInsertData({phases, linkingOfferPhase, project}: Props) { const {opportunities} = useKocoContext(); const queryClient = useQueryClient(); const findOpportunities = opportunities.filter((opportunity) => linkingOfferPhase?.some((linking) => linking.offer_id === opportunity.offer_id) ); const phasesTmp = phases await Promise.all( (phase) => { try { const form: FormKOCO = { name:, date_fin: "2024-12-02", date_debut: "2024-12-02", linking_opportunities: [], list_clickup_id: "", }; console.log("form", form); const result = await addPhaseProjetDB(form, project, queryClient); if (result) { enqueueSnackbar(`La phase ${} a été ajoutée avec succès`, {variant: "success"}); } else { enqueueSnackbar(`Erreur lors de l'ajout de la phase ${}`, {variant: "error"}); } } catch (error) { console.error(`Erreur pour la phase ${}:`, error); } })); }
the way how you insert it from a client component into your DB is wrong.

1. Your client shouldn't have access to your DB (maybe addPhaseProjetDB is a server action, then it's fine)
2. Use your hooks. For example a useEffect hook when you want to insert it instantly. Or build functions that will be called during a specific event

So do at least "2." and it will solve your problem
@Netherland Dwarf solved?
@B33fb0n3 <@532258198435004461> solved?
Netherland DwarfOP
yes ty
Netherland DwarfOP
sorry for the delay