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Memory issue when running Jest tests

Brown bear posted this in #help-forum
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Brown bearOP
Hi! I have a very simple repo [here]( with the most basic test possible. When I try to run it, the reported memory usage is ~0.5GB.

for what i've tried so far, in my original repo I ran a trace analysis via these commands and then eliminated hot spots and duplicate imports from there. i also updated the test to clean up any event listeners and make it as simple as possible.

node '--max-old-space-size=4096' ./node_modules/.bin/tsc --noEmit --extendedDiagnostics --generateTrace ./ts-traces
npx @typescript/analyze-trace ts-traces > ./ts-traces/analysis.txt

I'm not necessarily convinced that this is a NextJS issue, but I posted in the Reactiflux discord and was redirected here so I thought I'd give it a shot. Any help/suggestions would be much appreciated!

2 Replies

Brown bearOP
bumping this!
Brown bearOP