Production-Ready ISR in Next.js 15: Serving Fresh Data with a Loading State
Snowshoe posted this in #help-forum
I'm learning about Next.js 15 rendering strategies and need a production-ready solution. I want to use ISR (next: { revalidate }) to fetch data from a third-party API every 5 minutes and show users data that is at most 5 minutes old. Instead of serving stale content during regeneration, I’d prefer users to see a loading state until the fresh data is available. How can I achieve this in a Next.js 15 App Router setup?
3 Replies
@Snowshoe I'm learning about Next.js 15 rendering strategies and need a production-ready solution. I want to use ISR (next: { revalidate }) to fetch data from a third-party API every 5 minutes and show users data that is at most 5 minutes old. Instead of serving stale content during regeneration, I’d prefer users to see a loading state until the fresh data is available. How can I achieve this in a Next.js 15 App Router setup?
Can't do that with ISR, its not what ISR is designed for. If you need it to be precisely 5 minutes then you'd have to leverage dynamically rendering the page and use the Data Cache function which is either "use cache" in Next.15 or
in pre Next15 and switching to non Data cache if the previous data has passed 5 minutes while also revlidating the data cache in the background.SnowshoeOP
Do you think it is safe to use "use cache" in a prod ready app?
@Snowshoe Do you think it is safe to use "use cache" in a prod ready app?
No, use