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Production-Ready ISR in Next.js 15: Serving Fresh Data with a Loading State

Snowshoe posted this in #help-forum
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I'm learning about Next.js 15 rendering strategies and need a production-ready solution. I want to use ISR (next: { revalidate }) to fetch data from a third-party API every 5 minutes and show users data that is at most 5 minutes old. Instead of serving stale content during regeneration, I’d prefer users to see a loading state until the fresh data is available. How can I achieve this in a Next.js 15 App Router setup?

3 Replies

@Snowshoe I'm learning about Next.js 15 rendering strategies and need a production-ready solution. I want to use ISR (next: { revalidate }) to fetch data from a third-party API every 5 minutes and show users data that is at most 5 minutes old. Instead of serving stale content during regeneration, I’d prefer users to see a loading state until the fresh data is available. How can I achieve this in a Next.js 15 App Router setup?
Can't do that with ISR, its not what ISR is designed for. If you need it to be precisely 5 minutes then you'd have to leverage dynamically rendering the page and use the Data Cache function which is either "use cache" in Next.15 or unstable_cache in pre Next15 and switching to non Data cache if the previous data has passed 5 minutes while also revlidating the data cache in the background.
Do you think it is safe to use "use cache" in a prod ready app?