Need some help setting the model
Polar bear posted this in #help-forum
Polar bearOP
I have this model
the content field will be holding
model Post {
id String @id @default(cuid())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
title String
title_ Json? @db.JsonB
content String
content_ Json? @db.JsonB
collectionId String
collection Collection @relation(fields: [collectionId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
metadata PostMetadata? @relation(name: "PostMetadata")
extraData Json? @db.JsonB
extension PostsExtensionEnum @default(BASE)
tags Tag[] @relation(name: "PostTags")
order Int?
deletedAt DateTime?
@@unique([title, content, collectionId])
the content field will be holding
content, which may a large content.Answered by Dwarf Hotot
For those variables which store large amount of data you can replace the data type like String according to the below following :
* MySQL : Use TEXT or LONGTEXT for large strings.
* PostgressSQL : Use TEXT
* MySQL : Use TEXT or LONGTEXT for large strings.
* PostgressSQL : Use TEXT
32 Replies
Polar bearOP
when I try to seed the database for mocking, I get this error:
Error occurred during query execution:
ConnectorError(ConnectorError { user_facing_error: None, kind: QueryError(PostgresError { code: "54000", message: "index row size 2744 exceeds btree version 4 maximum 2704 for index \"Post_title_content_collectionId_key\"", severity: "ERROR", detail: Some("Index row references tuple (16,14) in relation \"Post\"."), column: None, hint: Some("Values larger than 1/3 of a buffer page cannot be indexed.\nConsider a function index of an MD5 hash of the value, or use full text indexing.") }), transient: false })
at Mn.handleRequestError (D:\code\developing\next\gohary-archive\node_modules\.pnpm\@prisma+client@6.0.1_prisma@6.0.1\node_modules\@prisma\client\runtime\library.js:121:7528)
at Mn.handleAndLogRequestError (D:\code\developing\next\gohary-archive\node_modules\.pnpm\@prisma+client@6.0.1_prisma@6.0.1\node_modules\@prisma\client\runtime\library.js:121:6663)
at Mn.request (D:\code\developing\next\gohary-archive\node_modules\.pnpm\@prisma+client@6.0.1_prisma@6.0.1\node_modules\@prisma\client\runtime\library.js:121:6370)
at async l (D:\code\developing\next\gohary-archive\node_modules\.pnpm\@prisma+client@6.0.1_prisma@6.0.1\node_modules\@prisma\client\runtime\library.js:130:9633)
at async seedPosts (D:\code\developing\next\gohary-archive\prisma\seed.ts:142:7)
at async seed (D:\code\developing\next\gohary-archive\prisma\seed.ts:204:3)
at async <anonymous> (D:\code\developing\next\gohary-archive\prisma\seed.ts:218:5) {
clientVersion: '6.0.1'
Chub mackerel
The error occurs because the unique constraint on the title, content, and collectionId fields is generating a database index that exceeds PostgreSQL's maximum row size limit. This happens because the content field, which stores HTML, can hold a lot of data, and PostgreSQL has trouble handling such large values in a B-tree index.
Polar bearOP
ok, I know this, but how I solve it.
I need to make sure that posts are unique also.
I need to make sure that posts are unique also.
Polar bearOP
I'm wondering if there is a way to make sure that the post is unique based on the
collectionId, content, title
but without having index on the content?@Polar bear I'm wondering if there is a way to make sure that the post is unique based on the `collectionId, content, title` but without having index on the content?
separate the index and the conten into 2 different fields
Polar bearOP
content String
index String
index String
Polar bearOP
are you sure?
why would I add
because you want to make
collecitonId, content (without index), and title
unique. You can do this with the @@unique syntax but it can't detect the inside of the content as to ignore the index
. Therefore the solution is = dont store the index
inside the content :/Polar bearOP
do you mean like this:
model Post {
id String @id @default(cuid())
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
title String
title_ Json? @db.JsonB
content String
content_ Json? @db.JsonB
collectionId String
collection Collection @relation(fields: [collectionId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
metadata PostMetadata? @relation(name: "PostMetadata")
extraData Json? @db.JsonB
extension PostsExtensionEnum @default(BASE)
tags Tag[] @relation(name: "PostTags")
order Int?
deletedAt DateTime?
@@unique([title, collectionId, content])
@@index([title, collectionId])
yeah its supposed to be like that
lets solve the
content first. Why are you storing html content in the database in the first place?Polar bearOP
I'm getting it from a text-editor component in the dashboard.
The admin can create posts dynamically.
The admin can create posts dynamically.
why why does it have to be unique?
Polar bearOP
because I don't want the admin to accidentally create a post that is already exists.
there is a special cases in my app where the title and collectionId are not enough to make sure that the post is unique
I think that is a flawed thinking since an admin can easily add one "space" to avoid the error and could still be mistaken
im saying that you should handle these logic in the application layer not at the model.
im saying that you should handle these logic in the application layer not at the model.
Polar bearOP
what do you suggest?
I uhh
I would rethink the UX of the application as to not make the Admin create the same post twice
i.e showing the thumbnail of a post at the admin dashboard of the post list
or show the first few words of the post
Polar bearOP
What do u mean?
Should I show the first few words of a post if the tries to create a post like it?
@Polar bear Should I show the first few words of a post if the tries to create a post like it?
like in the list of posts, before creating something, show few words from the post for each posts
something like
Post 1
Lorem ipsum dol...
Post 2
Lorem ipsum dol...
Post 3
Lorem ipsum dol...
so admin would know
something like
Post 1
Lorem ipsum dol...
Post 2
Lorem ipsum dol...
Post 3
Lorem ipsum dol...
so admin would know
also I wouldn't blame the fault of writing the same content to the technology. I think its fully the responsibility of the admin who writes it
Dwarf Hotot
For those variables which store large amount of data you can replace the data type like String according to the below following :
* MySQL : Use TEXT or LONGTEXT for large strings.
* PostgressSQL : Use TEXT
* MySQL : Use TEXT or LONGTEXT for large strings.
* PostgressSQL : Use TEXT