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params is missing slug is not coming inside layout

Giant Chinchilla posted this in #help-forum
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Giant ChinchillaOP
export default function ShopLayout({
}: {
children: React.ReactNode
params: {
id: string
}) {
return <InboxLayout>{children}</InboxLayout>

12 Replies

@alfonsus what does `console.log("Params:", params)` says?
Giant ChinchillaOP
it returning empty object and pathname of file is http://localhost:3000/inbox/67572500af76e13824983888
slug id 67572500af76e13824983888 is missing in props..
Giant ChinchillaOP
@alfonsus apps/web/src/app/(dashboard)/(app)/inbox/layout.tsx
i see the problem now
you can't get the params that is on the child path segment
Giant ChinchillaOP
tried but able to solve with const { id } = useParams(); but still i want to know why it not autopass ?
either you detect with useparams or use parallel routes