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CSS not applying in Production

Tonkinese posted this in #help-forum
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in my local server it is working fine, but when i host it in vercel, the css is not applying. what might be the problem, first time happening like this. first image is of local server and the other one is the production live. help is appereciated. here is the build log:
npm run build

code@0.1.0 build
next build

▲ Next.js 14.2.5

Creating an optimized production build ...
✓ Compiled successfully
✓ Linting and checking validity of types
✓ Collecting page data
✓ Generating static pages (5/5)
✓ Collecting build traces
✓ Finalizing page optimization

Route (app) Size First Load JS
┌ ○ / 310 kB 398 kB
└ ○ /_not-found 875 B 88.1 kB
+ First Load JS shared by all 87.2 kB
├ chunks/23-ffbc5cc70211706e.js 31.7 kB
├ chunks/fd9d1056-398cd83444c483ab.js 53.6 kB
└ other shared chunks (total) 1.9 kB

○ (Static) prerendered as static content

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