Redirect on all routes but one
Cape May Warbler posted this in #help-forum
Cape May WarblerOP
Hi, on my page after user registers I want them to finish their profile, for that I put this function in my Layout
Problem is that my
export async function redirectCompleteRegistration() {
const pathname = getPathname();
if(pathname.startsWith('/onboarding')) return;
const user = await getUser();
if(user?.birthday === null) return redirect(`/onboarding?step=1`);
if(user?.interests.length === 0) return redirect(`/onboarding?step=2`);
if(user?.languages.length === 0) return redirect(`/onboarding?step=3`);
throw e;
export default function getPathname(withLocale: boolean = true): string {
const headersList = headers();
const domain = headersList.get('host') || "";
const fullUrl = headersList.get('referer') || "";
let pathname = fullUrl.replace(new RegExp(`(.+)${domain}\/`), "");
return pathname;
for(let locale of locales){
pathname = pathname.replace(`${locale}`, "");
return pathname;
Problem is that my
function is not perfect and it doesn't update immediately so redirect happens 20 times or so. How can I implement this redirect? How can I get pathname
in the server component?3 Replies
I want them to finish their profile, for that I put this function in my LayoutYou dont need to get the pathname to do user onboarding
just check if user has done onboarding and if not redirect to
etcasync function getUserSession() {
const user = await getUser();
if(user?.birthday === null) return redirect(`/onboarding?step=1`);
if(user?.interests.length === 0) return redirect(`/onboarding?step=2`);
if(user?.languages.length === 0) return redirect(`/onboarding?step=3`);