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nextUI pagination component, change background color on all items whether they are active or not?

futuredevengineer posted this in #help-forum
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            <Pagination  classNames={{item:" text-amber-white bg-black rounded-[5px] hover:scale-105  ", cursor:' hover:bg-transparent hover:border-outcolor hover:border-[1px] border-outcolor border-[1px] bg-transparent shadow-boxshadow shadow-[3px_3px_7px] '}}  page={selectedPage} onChange={setSelectedPage} total={pages/3}></Pagination>
see items, when i try hover:bg-green-500 it will only apply the hover effect on active items, not the non-active one, i want this behaviour on all items, plus hover:scale-105 is not working

if i try hover:text-green-500 which changes the numbers/text colors in each item, it wil work even on non active item, so how do i change bg on hover on both active and non active items?

docs for refrence
Answered by alfonsus
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19 Replies

i was out
@alfonsus When you do `hover:bg-green-500`, can you inspect element on the non-active <li> ?
looks like this
it is being overwrriten maybe?
this is on hover
yeah it is being overrwritten
you have to overwrite it with
@alfonsus `[&[data-hover=true]:not([data-active=true])]:bg-green-500`
mhm, i might want to debug why is it being overwritten tho.
no you dont need to
its because thats what NextUI uses for the tailwind
you just have to use the same selector
oh, i gotcha
lemme try