Module not found: Can't resolve
Southeastern blueberry bee posted this in #help-forum
Southeastern blueberry beeOP
Hello, when i try to launch dev environment next cant resolve: path, os and crypto nodejs modules
During the build, I encountered this error: "Module build failed: UnhandledSchemeError: Reading from 'node:path' is not handled by plugins (Unhandled scheme)." However, I was able to resolve it by removing the "node:" prefix from the imports.
During the build, I encountered this error: "Module build failed: UnhandledSchemeError: Reading from 'node:path' is not handled by plugins (Unhandled scheme)." However, I was able to resolve it by removing the "node:" prefix from the imports.
56 Replies
whats your node.js version?
Southeastern blueberry beeOP
this is a monorepo the other workspace are able to resolve these nodejs modules but not nextjs
i can maybe guess that in your monorepo a package u imported into nextjs uses dotenv, and if that somehow ends up in the client bundle then the error is thrown
@gin where does the error happen?
Southeastern blueberry beeOP
ts import { config } from "dotenv";
import { expand } from "dotenv-expand";
import path from "node:path";
import { z } from "zod";
path: path.resolve(process.cwd(), process.env.NODE_ENV === "test" ? ".env.test" : ".env"),
const envSchema = z.object({
NODE_ENV: z.string(),
AUTH_SECRET: z.string(),
JOBS_BEARER_TOKEN: z.string(),
JOBS_API_BASEURL: z.string().url(),
NEXT_PUBLIC_BASEURL: z.string().url(),
const { data: env, error } = envSchema.safeParse(process.env);
if (error) {
console.error("❌ Invalid env:");
console.error(JSON.stringify(error.flatten().fieldErrors, null, 2));
export default env!;
@gin i can maybe guess that in your monorepo a package u imported into nextjs uses dotenv, and if that somehow ends up in the client bundle then the error is thrown
Southeastern blueberry beeOP
I will inspect that ty
u can make sure its not if u import this in your file:
Southeastern blueberry beeOP
no error are thrown :/
Dwarf Hotot
you can not call any imports like
const crypto = require("crypto");
you need to import all of this type of imports like
import crypto from "crypto";
const crypto = require("crypto");
you need to import all of this type of imports like
import crypto from "crypto";
try importing crypto like this and check that crypto error is removed or not
Southeastern blueberry beeOP
the require you see in the screen is used inside dotenv lib
@Southeastern blueberry bee no error are thrown :/
no error thrown where?
can u show me where u import this file in your code?
@gin no error thrown where?
Southeastern blueberry beeOP
i mean ive put impoirt "server-only" on the file that use dotenv and nothing change
import 'server-only';
import { config } from "dotenv";
import { expand } from "dotenv-expand";
import path from "node:path";
import { z } from "zod";
path: path.resolve(process.cwd(), process.env.NODE_ENV === "test" ? ".env.test" : ".env"),
const envSchema = z.object({
NODE_ENV: z.string(),
AUTH_SECRET: z.string(),
JOBS_BEARER_TOKEN: z.string(),
JOBS_API_BASEURL: z.string().url(),
NEXT_PUBLIC_BASEURL: z.string().url(),
const { data: env, error } = envSchema.safeParse(process.env);
if (error) {
console.error("❌ Invalid env:");
console.error(JSON.stringify(error.flatten().fieldErrors, null, 2));
export default env!;
@Southeastern blueberry bee i mean ive put impoirt "server-only" on the file that use dotenv and nothing change
u need to explain it better, just sayin "no error thrown" i cant help u.
U need to tell me if its on dev, what route or if it is a route handler, or if its production build, or if it happens on build
U need to tell me if its on dev, what route or if it is a route handler, or if its production build, or if it happens on build
if u import this file in another file which exports a function that u use on the client u will get this error
u need to carefully seperate client and server code
u cant mix up both
even if it sometimes works
Southeastern blueberry beeOP
this file is imported inside instrumentation.ts file
export async function register() {
await import("./env");
Southeastern blueberry beeOP
Module not found: Can't resolve 'path'
3 | import { config } from "dotenv";
4 | import { expand } from "dotenv-expand";
> 5 | import path from "node:path";
| ^
6 | import { z } from "zod";
7 |
8 | expand(
Import trace for requested module:
look the last line
oh yeah i oversaw that
for what do u need instrumentation?
Southeastern blueberry beeOP
just for doing the validation of env variable since the register() function is executed on each nextjs instantiation
i think its related to monorepo but i cant figure out whats exactly
thats the problem i think
that just idk
just for validating your envs?
if u really want to validate it, cant u handle that outside of the runtime?
Southeastern blueberry beeOP
yeah but i think i will remove it
Southeastern blueberry beeOP
that was working well just today idk what happend xD
yeah i know that problem
sometimes code just breaks for no reason
if u use turborepo u can easily integrate your env checking
@gin if u use turborepo u can easily integrate your env checking
Southeastern blueberry beeOP
yeah im using it, how can i do that?
like that ?
"@delivery/web#build": {
"dependsOn": ["@delivery/jobs#build"],
yeah but i think that just makes sure the envs are recognized right?
but it can still be a empty string
u can have a seperate script do that for u and just chain it in your build script
root package.json
and just have build depend on that script and when it fails, the whole build fails
Southeastern blueberry beeOP
I just realized that the register function might not execute sometimes with nodejs. I simply checked the runtime before import:
export async function register() {
if (process.env.NEXT_RUNTIME === "nodejs") {
await import("./env");
thats why node modules was not recognized
i didnt tought about this lmao
if this fixes it, good job