Loader screen showing up multiple times.
Shayokh posted this in #help-forum
I am trying to build a portfolio with multiple pages. The very first page is a loader screen with some text. Right after the loader screen finishes, the landing page shows up.
The issue is, every time the user visits a page within the portfolio and comes back to the
Here is the code -
Here is a screen record of the issue - https://streamable.com/fcyzg9
Stackbltiz - https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-sq9mef9f?file=app%2Fpage.tsx
The issue is, every time the user visits a page within the portfolio and comes back to the
landing page, the loader screen reappears. I only want it to appear when the user visits the portfolio for the very first time.Here is the code -
"use client";
import { useState, useRef } from "react";
import Hero from "./Hero";
import Loader from "./Loader";
import Writer from "./Writer";
import Years from "./Years";
import HorizontalBooks from "./HorizontalBooks";
import LawText from "./LawText";
import Gallery from "./Gallery";
import Footer from "./Footer";
export default function Page() {
const loaderComplete = useRef(false);
const handleComplete = () => {
loaderComplete.current = true;
return (
{!loaderComplete.current && <Loader onComplete={handleComplete} />}
<Hero />
<Writer />
<div className="hidden md:block">
<HorizontalBooks />
<Years />
<LawText />
<Gallery />
<Footer />
Here is a screen record of the issue - https://streamable.com/fcyzg9
Stackbltiz - https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-sq9mef9f?file=app%2Fpage.tsx
14 Replies
useRef is not persistent on site refresh, you should save loaderComplete value on local storage or cookie
@chisto useRef is not persistent on site refresh, you should save loaderComplete value on local storage or cookie
Dutch Smoushond
this can also be solved using a global state right? make the global loading state false after first load and then don't show loader when the global state is false
but i don't think that's the optimal approach
I will try it out and update the results here.
@alfonsus Click to see attachment
I actually tried using the useState in a older implementation
It sort of worked but the entire layout shift right after loader is finished made the landing page a little janky on mobile devices (sometimes on pc too)
Here is the working older implementation
"use client";
import { useState } from "react";
import Hero from "./Hero";
import Loader from "./Loader";
import Writer from "./Writer";
import Years from "./Years";
import HorizontalBooks from "./HorizontalBooks";
import LawText from "./LawText";
import Gallery from "./Gallery";
import Footer from "./Footer";
export default function Page() {
const [loaderComplete, setLoaderComplete] = useState(false);
const handleComplete = () => {
return (
<Loader onComplete={handleComplete} />
{loaderComplete && (
<Hero />
<Writer />
<div className="hidden md:block">
<HorizontalBooks />
<Years />
<LawText />
{/* <Gallery /> */}
<Footer />
"use client";
import gsap from "gsap";
import { useGSAP } from "@gsap/react";
import { useRef } from "react";
export default function Loader({ onComplete }: { onComplete: () => void }) {
const sentences = [
"Who am I?",
"An agent of justice.",
"An artist of words.",
"A voice for the nation.",
const loaderRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
useGSAP(() => {
const timeline = gsap.timeline({
onComplete: onComplete,
sentences.forEach((_, index) => {
.to(`#text-${index}`, { opacity: 1, display: "block", duration: 1 })
.to(`#text-${index}`, {
opacity: 0,
display: "none",
duration: 1,
delay: 1.2,
timeline.to("#loader", { opacity: 0 }).to("#loader", { display: "none" });
}, []);
return (
className="flex justify-center items-center h-full w-full fixed top-0 z-30 bg-black text-white"
{sentences.map((sentence, index) => (
className="text-xl md:text-2xl lg:text-3xl font-nb opacity-0 hidden"