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mantine notifications triggering

Polar bear posted this in #help-forum
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Polar bearOP
I'm using nextjs 15 with next-safe-action, and I'm trying to show a notifcation from an global error handling function, but I get an error saying:
[ Server ] Error: {imported module [project]/nodemodules/.pnpm/@mantine+notifications@7.14.3_@mantine+core@7.14.3_@mantine+hooks@7.14.3react@19.0.0__@types5sxdh2rtdciapy4qxs3uilje3y/nodemodules/@mantine/notifications/esm/ [app-rsc] (ecmascript)} is not a function

the code:
import { notifications } from '@mantine/notifications';
import { createSafeActionClient } from 'next-safe-action';

export const ac = createSafeActionClient({
  handleServerError: ({ message }) => {{
      message: `Something went wrong, ${message}`,
      title: 'Hello, world!',

1 Reply

Polar bearOP
putting use-client makes the app crash.
with use client
TypeError: {imported module [project]/lib/safe-action.ts [app-rsc] (ecmascript)}.ac.schema is not a function