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Filter data using searchParams

Cape lion posted this in #help-forum
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Cape lionOP
Hello, im trying to render dinamically the courses sorting by the course status using search params. But for some reason, it doesn't register the searchParams change. how Can i implement that? or what is the best way to do that? The search params are changing in the client side using nuqs

import React from "react";

import CoursesSelector from "@/components/dashboard/courses/courses-selector";
import CreateNewCourse from "@/components/dashboard/courses/form/create-new-course";
import { auth } from "@/lib/auth/auth";
import { CoursesService } from "@/lib/dashboard/courses/course.service";
import { CoursePreviewCard } from "@/components/dashboard/courses/cards/course-preview-card";
import { unstable_cacheTag as cacheTag } from "next/cache";
import { CourseStatus } from "@prisma/client";

export default async function MyCourses({
}: { searchParams: Promise<{ filterBy: Lowercase<CourseStatus> }> }) {
    const session = await auth();
    const professorId =
        session?.user.role === "TEACHER" ? session? : undefined;
    const resolvedSearchParams = await searchParams;
    const filterBy = resolvedSearchParams.filterBy;
    return (
        <main className="grid grid-cols-3 gap-y-3">
            <header className="flex flex-row col-span-3 gap-3 mt-4">
                <CoursesSelector />
                <CreateNewCourse professorId={professorId} />

async function CoursesList({ professorId, role, filterBy }: any) {
    const courses = await getCoursesList(professorId, filterBy);
    return (
        <ul className="w-full col-span-3 grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-3">
            { => (
                <li className="col-span-1">
                    <CoursePreviewCard key={} {...course} role={role} />

async function getCoursesList(
    professorId: string,
    filterBy: Lowercase<CourseStatus>,
) {
    "use cache";
    const response = await CoursesService.getManyByType("MICROCOURSE", {
        professorId: professorId,
        status: filterBy.toUpperCase() as CourseStatus,

    if (response.success) return;
    return [];

1 Reply

Brown bear
If you want to refresh search params on the server, you’ll have to specify shallow: false in the nuqs options. By default updates are client-side only to avoid spamming the server with requests it may not need.