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Next.js Application Error Digest

American Wirehair posted this in #help-forum
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American WirehairOP
Hey, a user just sent me a screenshot of the white page, showing a application error was there. in the error was a Digest. What can I do with this Digest? We are also using Sentry in our App for error reporting. Can we find the digest on our sentry, so we can directly see, what happened? we followed the sentry nextjs setup

20 Replies

American WirehairOP
@alfonsus if you deploy on vercel, it should appear on the Logs tab
American WirehairOP
I am not using vercel and I guess its not as easy to check the server side logs, if there is some traffic. isn't there a way to provide it to sentry?
im not familiar with sentry
does the log get logged to sentry?
American WirehairOP
I dont now exactly if the server side errors are getting logged, I guess so. Didn't test that out yet, just wanted to ask if there's a way as it seemed like its not providing it yet
one way to try it out: hard code the throw new Error('Is this logged?') and see if its logged on sentry
where are you deploying it?
there should be a server-side log...
@alfonsus where are you deploying it?
American WirehairOP
on my kubernetes cluster. obviously I have a server-side log, but what I meant to say is, that its not easy to find stuff there, if there is lot of traffci
@alfonsus one way to try it out: hard code the `throw new Error('Is this logged?')` and see if its logged on sentry
American WirehairOP
yes, seems so
then you need to find the error in the haystack of where that error came from
well i guess its working correctly then? :D
American WirehairOP
yes but I wondered if I can add the digest there so If a user reports a error, he can send the digest and then I can search for the digest in sentry
@American Wirehair yes, seems so
Can u press view full trace here?
I dont use sentry but can you try this?