Looking for design help
Persia posted this in #help-forum
25 Replies
Looks good
these text are too big, it shouldn't be bigger thant he size of the logo on the left
white glow doesn't quite fit here
the alignment on the left isn't aligned
These are interesting
Buttons have inconsistent styling
footer is too tight, give some vertical space between the links and the copyrights
Background is a bit boring. Try using a black-grey gradient, or a bit of color like darkgray-darkblueg radient
The way you use white font colors for all text makes the hierarchy a bit ambiguous
@Persia https://www.northbytelabs.com/
Any tips on where I can improve design wise on this site?
adding to Alfonsus, your website should always have consistent styles and structure. Regarding the footer, you need to add some line above the footer separating it from the contact form above, plus, there is style inconsistency in the footer, you got a layout of 4 elements within 2 rows and your name below it in the middle, you might all these together in one display/layout so it is more organized. Your
Contact us
link looks like a button in footer , but it should follow the same style as the rest of links in footer, meaning it shouldn't be a button
while the rest is just a link.same issue here, each section in your website start with a header title, but your
Innovating With The Best
section has a look-like button for no reason, I think the user would understand what Innovating With The Best
mean, so remove partners
button above it, this also help you have a more consistent structure across your webpage.this one is based on my personal opinion, try make this more shiny.
( I meant the box-shadow)
again no need for
to be button like when rest of the links are not, consistency is the key to design@Persia hope that helps
@Alfonsus Ardani Looks good
Thanks so much designing sucks for me, I'ma switch to all white bg on black text this week, less contrast overall is good for readability
@Alfonsus Ardani thats not what i said at all...
Oh yea little unrelated i suppose, I just meant in addition to your suggestions I'm doing a color theme change
sorry for the confusion
@futuredevengineer again no need for `contact` to be button like when rest of the links are not, consistency is the key to design
Makes sense, I used some UI library and wanted it to stand out so I opted for the button but I see what you're saying yea i'll make it just a normal link and style it with css
yes, black on white is easier to design
but that doesn't mean you suck at designing
@Alfonsus Ardani Looks good
Tried to make all the changes you guys suggested - i think it looks a lot better now, any thoughts shoot them my way tysm
Looks very good on mobile phone
tried to make mobile look good every time i finished a component - most users will be from mobile so its important