Error overlay no longer shows in dev mode after upgrading to Next.js 15
Tan posted this in #help-forum
Hi guys! After upgrading to v15 (pages router, w/turbopack, React 19) the error overlay is no longer shown in dev mode, just a blank page with the text "Internal Server Error".
When building for prod, my custom 500.tsx error page is correctly shown so this is a dev issue only.
Has something changed in the way Next.js deals with unhandled promise rejections? If I go to a page that fails, wrap everything in getServerSideProps with try/catch and manually throw a new error, the dev overlay appears as usual. However, that was not necessary before the upgrade.
When building for prod, my custom 500.tsx error page is correctly shown so this is a dev issue only.
Has something changed in the way Next.js deals with unhandled promise rejections? If I go to a page that fails, wrap everything in getServerSideProps with try/catch and manually throw a new error, the dev overlay appears as usual. However, that was not necessary before the upgrade.