what is the best theme that can be used for admin dashboard for next js 15?
Scaly-naped Pigeon posted this in #help-forum
Scaly-naped PigeonOP
I saw alot of admin dashboard themes and most of them were using MUI , its my first time using MUI and i find it very hard to use and I saw alot of themes and tried to discover the code which were too hard to read , is there any admin dashboard to use that is too easy to read code that can work for erp system dashboard ?
4 Replies
the drawer seems good place to start with for sidebar:
and honestly, I'd rather not use MUI these days
just go with new ones like shadcn (or radix for raw), mantine, chakra, next ui... etc.
Scaly-naped PigeonOP
I may go with shadcn or next ui , i find material ui too hard to use but its the best one among them.