create-next-app installs the rc version of react and react-dom?
Masai Lion posted this in #help-forum
Masai LionOP
when I run
npx create-next-app@latest my-app
it installs the rc version both react and react-dom, and some packages wont work because its not compatible with the rc version. did i miss something?Answered by Asian black bear
You need to use
because the ecosystem hasn't caught up to adding the RC as a peer dependency. And yes, Next 15 depends on the RC version of React.3 Replies
Asian black bear
You need to use
because the ecosystem hasn't caught up to adding the RC as a peer dependency. And yes, Next 15 depends on the RC version of React.Answer
Asian black bear
Here's a quick explanation:
Masai LionOP
thanks @Asian black bear