Next js application is lagging when scrolled
Madeiran sardinella posted this in #help-forum
Madeiran sardinellaOP
I have a web application in Next js (implemented using CSR). It is like a social media feeds page which contains polls, quiz, posts and other entities. I have used infinite scroll library. So whenever I scroll, the page is lagging and shaking. It is creating an unappealing UX. I am unable to understand the root cause. Tried removing unnecessary useEffects and also optimised the code wherever I could. Really need help with the same.
3 Replies
can you share the url of your page so we can take a look at it?
Madeiran sardinellaOP
The url is an internal company url so can't share the same. Plus it is happening on the android webview so apk would be needed if you want to see it. Is there any other way which could help
it's pretty hard to tell where the lagging comes from when not seeing any final result. So I guess that's the only thing you can do