Disable React Dev Tool in NextJS
Odorous house ant posted this in #help-forum
Odorous house antOP
I've tried different methods, but all did not work 😓 . Someone please help me!!
Answered by Asian black bear
That's not really possible and pretty pointless as well.
18 Replies
Odorous house antOP
@B33fb0n3 i am trying to prevent others from using react dev tools to scrutinize the site, on production
Asian black bear
That's not really possible and pretty pointless as well.
as near said: it's not really possible. Keep in mind, that the code itself will also be compiled and "rewritten" so it looks different for others in production (see attached). It's not very human readable
Odorous house antOP
sorry could i ask why is it pointless?
wouldn't it help prevent people from manipulating prop values?
Asian black bear
No, it wouldn't. And even if they manipulate their client-side state it shouldn't cause issues as mutations and actions should use server-side validation.
Odorous house antOP
Let's take tanstack table as example. You have a column file, it contains buttons: view, edit, delete
In edit button, we pass in the userId that will be edited. Wouldn't malicious users be able to exploit that?
In edit button, we pass in the userId that will be edited. Wouldn't malicious users be able to exploit that?
I genuinely do not understand why react dev tool is not disabled on prod
Asian black bear
So what? If somebody attempts to update an entry in your database using a forged ID your backend code should validate whether the logged user has the authorization to alter an entry.
Even if there were no React Dev Tools there would be dozens of ways to send malicious requests or change values of hidden fields.
Odorous house antOP
That's true. Guess it's time to improve on the authorization checks
thanks @Asian black bear
Asian black bear
You should generally never trust the client, under any circumstance.
Each request need authentication and authorization checks depending on the action and requirements.
Another example is "exposing an admin interface". If you do ship the admin UI for an app in the client bundle and malicious users truly manage to gain access to it locally it's not the end of the world because requests to fetch data displayed in there should return 401/403.
You just need the right mental model for these kinds of interactions and security by obscurity, i.e. attempting to hide something, is pretty pointless.
Odorous house antOP
Yeah, I get your point now. Thanks alot