dynamic vs static routes for speed & seo?
Brown bear posted this in #help-forum
Brown bearOP
in next js is it better to have dynamic routes for a group and fetching from db to generate specific content for each page, so like /providers/[provider]/page.tsx vs static routes for each page within that group, so like /providers/provider1/page.tsx, /providers/provider2/page.tsx.
On each page I will have to make the get request regardless to get the data to display.
This isnt like where people make dynamic routes for user profiles, for example, as I will only have 6 pages for providers and will display fetched data on each page, but I was wondering if itll still be better to make the routing dynamic in this case?
is one better for seo or more efficient?
On each page I will have to make the get request regardless to get the data to display.
This isnt like where people make dynamic routes for user profiles, for example, as I will only have 6 pages for providers and will display fetched data on each page, but I was wondering if itll still be better to make the routing dynamic in this case?
is one better for seo or more efficient?
1 Reply
Cimarrón Uruguayo
you cant do any caching?