Caching sitemap/[id].xml route
Sun bear posted this in #help-forum
Sun bearOP
Hey y'all I have a dynamic sitemap.xml and I have to download a large file every time a new id comes in to know what chunk from the file to receive.
I'm using vercel storage is there a way to not have to download this large file every request and only download this once on build time?
I'm using vercel storage is there a way to not have to download this large file every request and only download this once on build time?
14 Replies
Sun bearOP
tagging in my long lost friend @Jboncz
Will take a look after work. I think you could do this pretty easily.
Sun bearOP
So give me some mock code of how you generaling your sitemap
When you say when a new id comes in, do you mean somethings hitting an endpoint or what?
Sun bearOP
yeah something hitting the endpoint
like ideally I'd like all these pages generated at build time
maybe it's just generateStaticParams
That isnt a thing in appRouter I think?
Sun bearOP
might not be haha
claude says its available in app router
Sun bearOP
how are you doing?
Sun bearOP
export const dynamic = 'force-static'
export const revalidate = false
export const revalidate = false
and these vars worked.