need help with nextjs
Rainbow trout posted this in #help-forum
Rainbow troutOP
hey everyone, i am trying to make a website with vercel, i have the code ready but im stuck on the next.js part, can someone help me launch the website please? i also bought the domain as well
13 Replies
Hunting wasp
You’re gonna have to be way more specific… NextJS is the code part, so not sure how you have the code ready but are “stuck on the NextJS part”
Rainbow troutOP
i got the code in v0 but im having trouble setting the js app
Hunting wasp
Rainbow troutOP
im a noob ong
You should click my link,m and go through the learning doc
Yes, use the resources to learn how to do it.
No one is going to sit down with you for an hour and teach you the basics.
Hunting wasp
Watch some videos, RTFM, ask chatGPT/Claude
Rainbow troutOP
do u know someone that u would recommend
I linked the learning docs
You need to learn how to code or hire someone who knows how to code, to be able to use the v0 output. v0 is not for non-coders.