Random 404s on navigation
Berger Picard posted this in #help-forum
Berger PicardOP
In production, I'm seeing random 404s
These are pretty random errors but usually happen on navigation. Refreshing fixes the page but it's an overall bad experience. My links are setup like:
next 15.0 deployed on fly.io
https://my_website_address/_next/static/chunks/app/contact-us/page-92576ca832a5f2d2.js net:: err aborted 404
These are pretty random errors but usually happen on navigation. Refreshing fixes the page but it's an overall bad experience. My links are setup like:
<Link href="/" className="text-xl pl-[1px]">Home</Link>
aria-label="Write me an email"
className="group flex items-center gap-2 text-primary py-2 px-4 rounded-full"
next 15.0 deployed on fly.io
13 Replies
Berger PicardOP
I’ve tried that and it works but also happens from random navigation for first time visitors
Even I see this error when I run lighthouse tests. Its prob an issue on client side
Berger PicardOP
Is there a good solve? It seems like a pretty big deal breaker to have half your pages randomly 404ing on prod
I'll see.
I got the same issue before when running lighthouse checks, but not now
I got the same issue before when running lighthouse checks, but not now
I'm really not sure about this now. Whats your nextjs version?
@Berger Picard
Berger PicardOP
I’m on next
Berger PicardOP
So i'm still having this issue. It looks like a bunch of people were having the same [issue](https://answers.netlify.com/t/javascript-bundle-issues-netlify-build-breaking-several-hours-after-deployment-completes/122901/51) on Netlify (i'm running on fly.io) and it required an undisclosed Netlify fix, and for them to run a cache purge.
I'm wondering if that's what's causing my issues. Most of my pages are loading data from directus cms and I have cache turned off there
I'm wondering if that's what's causing my issues. Most of my pages are loading data from directus cms and I have cache turned off there
import { createDirectus, authentication, login, clearCache} from '@directus/sdk';
import { rest } from '@directus/sdk';
const DIRECTUS_URL = process.env.DIRECTUS_URL || 'http://localhost:8055';
const directus = createDirectus(DIRECTUS_URL)
onRequest: (options) => ({
next: {
tags: ['directus'],
cache: 'no-store'
export default directus;
const getContent = async () => {
const {
} = await directus.request(readItems('about_us', {
fields: ['*']
const headerContent = DOMPurify.sanitize(header_content);
return {
const AboutUs = async () => {
const {
} = await getContent();
const imageBaseUrl = directus.url + 'assets/';
return (
yup, you might need to also open a issue on nextjs.
There is no way to verify whether the issue is with next start command, or fly.io, So I'm not 100% sure
There is no way to verify whether the issue is with next start command, or fly.io, So I'm not 100% sure
Berger PicardOP
Thanks. Will do.