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Failed to find Server Action on production

Berger Picard posted this in #help-forum
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Berger PicardOP
I'm having the same problem described [here](

Essentially, I have a form that allows users to submit support messages. It's a client component, that imports a server action from another file. That action is what persists the message. But I'm consistently getting the following error, but only in prod.

Error: Failed to find Server Action "bc81a9de752a2e5bccc63eff66907dd50f7a6aac". This request might be from an older or newer deployment. Original error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'workers')

I'm on next 15.0 and deploying on

3 Replies

Yeah, I mean if others are having itt and have opened and issue on GH its not very likely to have a solution here not saying you cant post just giving you a heads up.
Berger PicardOP
Figured I'd ask. Looks like a long running issue and I'm assuming I'm maybe just doing something wrong
Gotcha, it is strange, no harm asking was just trying to curb expectations 🙂