constantly getting chunk load errors - up to 7k a day
oof2win2 posted this in #help-forum
Hey there. I'm using next@14.2.16 and i constantly keep getting some chunk load errors. It keeps on happening constantly - like i have 7k chunk load errors just in the past 24h, which to me is completely insane. i'm hosting on vercel and have skew protection enabled, so i'd assume they would have their stuff figured out. is there something i can do to fix this?
14 Replies
Miniature Pinscher
Timeout errors?
as in vercel edge functions?
Miniature Pinscher
As in your chunk errors.
logs look like it does timeout yeah
a solid 7k of them are just timeouts wtf
Miniature Pinscher
Are you using Cloudflare?
yeah, it's setup for proxy mode
is cloudflare actually the error for all of these? wtf
Miniature Pinscher
Are you including any third party scripts?
yeah there's a couple of them, would that affect this? it's mainly intercom + posthog
Miniature Pinscher
Do any of them have the
only one, and that's a Tally form
Miniature Pinscher
I'd try removing that and see if the errors stop.
why could a beforeInteractive directive be the cause of these errors though