Laptop at the conference
Nile perch posted this in #help-forum
Nile perchOP
Hey, I’m attending the conference this week in person and, not having signed up for any workshops before, am wondering if it’s worth it to bring my laptop to the talks? My hotel is a ways away and I’m more than happy to just take pen and paper notes. Just don’t want to be the only one lugging one around all day or distracting others with the screen and typing.
5 Replies
you can take both with you and either use what you are fine with (even if no other people does that) or you can do what are people are doing. Both ways are fine and when taking both options with you, you can choose what you would like
@Nile perch solved?
you can def mark this lmao @B33fb0n3
hmmm I am unsure