Next.js 15 dev server keeps rebuilding
American black bear posted this in #help-forum
American black bearOP
Once I have updated to next.js 15 my dev server is stuck in a rebuilding loop, where I see the bottom left corner icon flickering due to refreshing and the console is being spammed with requests.
The page rapidly rebuilds until it shows the white screen in screenshots.
This behaviour did not happen in the Next.js 14 and I see no errors in the console just logs from my DrizzleORM logger:true.
Someone made a post which said that disabling turbopack fixes the issue, but this does not work for me. I have also included a video of this happening in the attachments.
The page rapidly rebuilds until it shows the white screen in screenshots.
This behaviour did not happen in the Next.js 14 and I see no errors in the console just logs from my DrizzleORM logger:true.
Someone made a post which said that disabling turbopack fixes the issue, but this does not work for me. I have also included a video of this happening in the attachments.
3 Replies
American black bearOP
American black bearOP
It also only seems to be happening in the pages with params
export default async function AppPage(props: {
params: Promise<{ appName: string }>
}) {
const params = await props.params
const { appName } = params
const app = await getAppByName({ query: appName })
if (!app) notFound()
return (
<AppContextProvider value={{ app }}>
icon={<IconBackButton icon={<LucideLayoutGrid />} />}
action={<CreatePage />}
<PageTitle>Manage app</PageTitle>
Current app: <span className="font-semibold">{appName}</span>
<AppTabs />