not-found.tsx is triggered on every route?
Sun bear posted this in #help-forum
Sun bearOP
Simply having a file called not-found.tsx in my project (app router) with a console log inside will log that message on every single page route even though the route "was found", and I am not calling the notFound() function. That being said, the rendered page will be correct, it will not render the not-found component, but I'm still confused about why it seems to execute?
My actual problem is that my Optimizely CMS project with a nextjs frontend is showing the 404 rendered component whenever I use the OPE (On-page edit mode), however it will show correctly in normal "view mode". That issue might be outside the scope of this forum but I'm just trying to understand how the not-found component is triggered in nextjs.
My actual problem is that my Optimizely CMS project with a nextjs frontend is showing the 404 rendered component whenever I use the OPE (On-page edit mode), however it will show correctly in normal "view mode". That issue might be outside the scope of this forum but I'm just trying to understand how the not-found component is triggered in nextjs.