Deployment Request Error
Trevor posted this in #help-forum
I have been pushing my project into my GitHub repository for a couple weeks now and the deployments have been working great. I am trying to push one now and I get:
Deployment request did not have a git author with access to the project on Vercel
Both my Vercel and GitHub have the same email.
Deployment request did not have a git author with access to the project on Vercel
Both my Vercel and GitHub have the same email.
40 Replies
American Chinchilla
Yeah i think its a new update
It happened to me too
And others i know
Were you able to fix?
American Chinchilla
no. The only way is to upgrade
Your plan
From hobby to pro for vercel
Does that make it work?
American Chinchilla
Yea, it even mentions in the PQ
It says to upgrade to vercel to allow other collabs
To push to repo
pR ?
American Chinchilla
Pull request
Like when you try to merge a PR
Hmmmmm. Was this just integrated or something?
American Chinchilla
It shows errors
Like needing the pro plan
To do this feature
American Chinchilla
I think so, i cant find anything in the vercel news about this though
About no longer accepting pushes from collabs
If your not the owner
Of the repo
I’m tempted to try and relink but don’t want to mess anything up
American Chinchilla
Il double check, take my word with a grain of salt
Thanks, let me know if you find anything
Just found this was posted 4 days ago
Is this the same error you get too?
Yeha it was a bug
Yeah. I’m thinking it may be an issue from the PC I was on. Maybe it’s using the wrong GitHub account.
Thanks for looking into this, I will give this a go when I am home!
Thanks for looking into this, I will give this a go when I am home!
American Chinchilla
Vercel just fixed it
Like just now?
American Chinchilla
Oh i mean this whole time it was a bug
That allowed collabs to merge PR to vercel
Without pro plan
Vercel just fixed it recently
Ohhhhhhh, yeah I’m thinking I was doing deployments from the wrong one
I’ll double check when I get home. Thanks for the help tho!
Appreciate it