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Page broken after reload

Pacific sand lance posted this in #help-forum
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Pacific sand lanceOP
I was testing my page router, after i successfully routed to an another page, i go back to the homepage and then reloaded, and the homepage is now broken.

I have no idea why this happened, all i get in the terminal was " GET /_next/static/chunks/app/ 404 in 43ms". there's no solution available online that i find useful.

7 Replies

Pacific sand lanceOP
will you describe how you import your css for global scope?
Pacific sand lanceOP
i don't use a global.css file, i actually use mantine's next app template and build up from there
since the template has no global css file :
it was fine actually in the beginning until i start doing routes between pages
Pacific sand lanceOP
i've asked in the mantine discord server and got no replies :sadspoengboobs:
Pacific sand lanceOP
I was tinkering around when i import mantine's global css module, it almost fixes the problem but the styles are still missing like barebones stuff, i started importing every css files in mantine and it 70% fixes the problem, with some stuff styling still missing, especially the css modules inside my ui components