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app router vs pages router?

Havana posted this in #help-forum
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i wouldn't have created a help-forum post about a small question like this but there's no other way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I need to create a simple page (only one page). It's going to have no api calls, just a simple page with gsap animations and maybe threejs. Should i pick app router or pages? I don't like how the app router wants me to put fonts in src/app and images in public.
Answered by B33fb0n3
I guess the most suited framework for that would be a frontend-only framework (like react). Because as you said: you don't need api call, it's a one pager, you have clientside animation (gsap) and clientside 3d rendering (threejs).

So if you ask me what you should use, I would say: use react.
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I guess the most suited framework for that would be a frontend-only framework (like react). Because as you said: you don't need api call, it's a one pager, you have clientside animation (gsap) and clientside 3d rendering (threejs).

So if you ask me what you should use, I would say: use react.
What about the various optimizations from nextjs? Are they not worth it for such a simple case?
Can you give me example which optimizations from nextjs would help you on your page?
although i guess since it won't grow they probably don't matter as much
i just want to make it as good as possible
well, as simple as it gets, try with pages router.
but, if you doesn't really need SSR. just use react + vite.

just to remind you, don't be like this.

only use something you need for your simple case.
@Havana solved?
That's not the solution. I marked the correct one