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connection closed

Hackberry nipple gall parasitoid posted this in #help-forum
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Hackberry nipple gall parasitoidOP
Hello, I've created a survey web application where users can create a survey, it will reference the questions already in the db along with options. There are few problems in production on vercel. I have implemented google and credentials auth. If I try to login, it takes few seconds on production and then throws client side exception with Connection closed in the console. It doesn't error on my development builds and it takes less than a second on development build. Same with referencing the survey questions it takes more than 5s.

13 Replies

Hackberry nipple gall parasitoidOP
if I refresh the page I get my session and authenticated
whats the error
Hackberry nipple gall parasitoidOP
when I login, I get Connection closed in my console
when I try to create survey, I get 504
Connection closed with what
check the stack trace
Hackberry nipple gall parasitoidOP
hey, btw, I added maxDuration in my vercel.json file
and now it seems to work
oh cool
Hackberry nipple gall parasitoidOP
lemme reconfirm
Hackberry nipple gall parasitoidOP
the problem still exists when I try to change the tab in between it's logging in
and any idea why it's taking longer to log me in production?