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Unable to deploy my client's project

Dwarf Crocodile posted this in #help-forum
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Dwarf CrocodileOP
Hey, I am unable to deploy my clients project on my Vercel account.

The thing is, the project had large media files and don't want to store them on my GitHub account. So I tried 2 things for that:

I made an organization, and transferred the repo to it. (thinking that I will just give the ownership of the org to my client afterwards). But when I proceed to deploy it on vercel, it said :

"The repository is owned by an organization. Please link it to a Vercel team instead."

Because 'vercel hobby' account can deploy only personal GitHub repo not organization repos, for that we need vercel teams (correct me if I am wrong), and I don't want any paid stuff for now.

I transferred the repo ownership to him, thinking I will just connect his repo directly to my vercel account for deployment.
I am a collaborator in his repo, but in the authorized list on vercel, I cant find his repo (I can see only my repo and my organization repos).

Just curious, when you make a website for your clients, do you keep everything on your personal account?

1 Reply

I deploy it on a VPS server, cause client is the one paying money, not me. If not, I'd just use his github account, and create a vercel account with that and deploy it on there.