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Is there a way to optimize Next.js for 3G connections?

Eastern yellowjacket posted this in #help-forum
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Eastern yellowjacketOP
Is there a way to optimize Next.js for 3G connections?

11 Replies

Uhhhhhh I mean 3g is still plenty quick in most cases unless loading photos.
Eastern yellowjacketOP
Any suggestions? This is my app When I click Next it takes a while to load the next page and doesn't always show the Skeleton. This is my code in case you want to take a look.
@Jboncz ^^^
Try it from your mobile, that's where it has performance issues
Are you running it in dev mode?
I won’t be able to look right now it’s bed time.
Eastern yellowjacketOP
np, tomorrow
about the app, it's running on Azure, Dockerized in production mode
It's not a 3g thing, even on my 5g home internet with 100mbps + speed, your site is still slow asf
The only fix is just that you need to moniter you expensive stuff, this can be done with the nextjs full url logging enabled to check fetch requests and their caching states

You can also check the network tab and see what takes the longest to resolve