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Cache revalidation problem in dev

Transvaal lion posted this in #help-forum
Open in Discord
Transvaal lionOP
Hi, I arrived at a little bug with caching in dev, here is a minimal reproduction of it

// src/app/dev/test/page.tsx
import { revalidatePath, revalidateTag, unstable_cache } from "next/cache";

export const dynamic = "force-dynamic";


const foo = "bar";

const myTestingFunction = unstable_cache(async () => {
  return foo;
}, [ANY_CACHE]);

const Testing = async () => {
  const testing = await myTestingFunction();
  return (

        action={async () => {
          "use server";
        <button type="submit">Revalidate</button>

export default Testing;

Here is my code, it displays bar and a button to revalidate cache

if I change "bar" to "bar-bis" in my code it doesn't change, if I click on the revalidate button it doesn't change, if I restart the dev server it still does not change. Until I delete .next directory, it does not change.

If I switch the function to return foo+"-bas", it writes "bar-bis-bas", but when i change back to return foo, it reuse the initial cached value ("bar")

If i use "ANY_CACHE" directly instead of a const, it does revalidate on click

using type ANY_CACHE = "ANY_CACHE" and than using "ANY_CACHE" satisfies ANY_CACHE enables me to keep some kind of string safety, is there any cleaner way ?

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