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Why do nested layouts/pages render before their parent layouts?

Doberman Pinscher posted this in #help-forum
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Doberman PinscherOP
I have root layout and page.tsx when I added the console log it's first rendering the page then layout i.e in reverse order ideally it should first render layout then page. Does anyone know the reason behind this?
Answered by Chinese Crested Dog
Nested layouts/pages can render before their parent layouts due to React's concurrent rendering and Suspense features, which aim to improve performance and responsiveness.

Key reasons:
* Concurrent Rendering: React renders parent and child components simultaneously, so child components may render first if they are ready sooner.
* React Suspense: If the parent layout is waiting on data, Suspense can pause its rendering while the child layout renders if it doesn’t depend on that data.
* Client-Side Navigation: Next.js caches parts of the layout, so during navigation, the child page might render faster without reloading the parent.
* Rendering Prioritization: Next.js prioritizes simpler, ready-to-render components, so nested pages can render before more complex parent layouts.
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Chinese Crested Dog
Nested layouts/pages can render before their parent layouts due to React's concurrent rendering and Suspense features, which aim to improve performance and responsiveness.

Key reasons:
* Concurrent Rendering: React renders parent and child components simultaneously, so child components may render first if they are ready sooner.
* React Suspense: If the parent layout is waiting on data, Suspense can pause its rendering while the child layout renders if it doesn’t depend on that data.
* Client-Side Navigation: Next.js caches parts of the layout, so during navigation, the child page might render faster without reloading the parent.
* Rendering Prioritization: Next.js prioritizes simpler, ready-to-render components, so nested pages can render before more complex parent layouts.
Chinese Crested Dog
was that helpful??
Doberman PinscherOP
Yes thank you so much. Finally got the answer after so much struggle.

One more thing.
If that is the case suppose how to handle a common logic which is required for all the pages do I need to call that in all pages, maybe using hoc instead of layout or is there any other way to handle such scenarios?
Chinese Crested Dog
To handle common logic required across all pages in a Next.js application, you have several approaches that don't involve repeating code on each page. The primary way to apply common logic across all pages is to use the _app.js file. This file allows you to wrap your entire application in a common layout or component, where you can add shared logic, state management, or side effects

Doberman PinscherOP
I'm looking solution for an app router.
Chinese Crested Dog
Dm if you can
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