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Is encoding an object into the url is a good idea?

Maltese posted this in #help-forum
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Hello, guys! I want to ask, about my app that I am building. Its a fullstack blog app and I am doing it with educational purposes, to see how fullstack apps are build. And today I met a case study. Its about my /posts query with searchParams to my server where I perform database requests based on the searchParams I've recived. And I want to keep the queries to my server generic, that means, no hard coded values like ?search=Hello&orderBy=asc I want to pass it a whole Prisma.PostFindManyArgs object into my query like /posts?query=URIEncoded(obj) and I did it and it works very good I like it, its clean and flexible solution, but this mean that now my route looks like this
export async function GET(req: NextRequest) {
  const searchParams = req.nextUrl.searchParams;

  const query = searchParams.get('query');

  try {
    const posts = await PostRepo.findMany({
      include: {
        author: true,
        tags: true,
        comments: {
          include: {
            author: true,
      ...(query ? JSON.parse(query) : {}),
    return NextResponse.json(posts, { status: 200 }); // 200 OK
  } catch (error) {
    const message = getErrorMessage(error);
    console.error('Error occurred while fetching posts:', error);
    return NextResponse.json(
      { error: 'Failed to fetch posts: ' + message },
      { status: 500 } // 500 Internal Server Error

And this means that everbody can just change the query params like Get posts and include author email, passowrd, phone number and etc. It will look like
 const { data } = useGetPostsQuery({ include: {author: {email, password, phonenum }} });

You get the idea. And I want to ask, how to proceed now? The only thing that come to my mind is to create a query allow list, so only allowed queries can be make. And also is this approach with encoding a obj into the url is a good idea or there is a better way? I want to protect from sql inj

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