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Any linter rules to help prevent importing server code from client?

Longtail tuna posted this in #help-forum
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Longtail tunaOP
My biggest gripe with Next is that it's hard to identify when server code is being unintentionally imported from the client. Until I can use server components in client components (is this on the roadmap?), has anyone found good ways to prevent this? Perhaps linter rules for requiring 'use _' directives and validating rules around their imports?
Answered by joulev
can use server components in client components
that wont happen.

good ways to prevent this
import "server-only"
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4 Replies

can use server components in client components
that wont happen.

good ways to prevent this
import "server-only"
Longtail tunaOP
nice thanks
Longtail tunaOP
Is there an equivalent methodology for client-only code or should I have 'use client' in 100% of client-only files?
* Only put "use client" in entry point client component files (in other words, only put it in the components that are intended to be used directly in server components).

* Other client components do not need and should not have the "use client" directive, if they are only imported to client components. For example <Button onClick={…} />, the Button should not have a "use client" because it can never be used in a server component. If you are worried about accidentally importing such components into server components, rest assured that there will still be build time errors.

* The equivalence for import "server-only" in client components is import "client-only".