Error when trying to do installation
Sun bear posted this in #help-forum
Sun bearOP
So I tried to install next js with
My node.js is at the latest version, so i don't know what to do.
npx create-next-app@latest
, but when I run it in Powershell, I get this error in the picture below.My node.js is at the latest version, so i don't know what to do.
26 Replies
Sun bearOP
had to censor my name
I also had my error when trying to deploy my next app to vercel:
ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat
idk why it happens
Sun bearOP
idk what to do about it
did u figure it out?
I hope someone will tell us a solution
Sun bearOP
currently not
Sun bearOP
do u have to have a app created to runn create?
i think maybe its because of the npm version
try to downgrade
Sun bearOP
yeah lemme try that
Northeast Congo Lion
@Sun bear npm i -g npx
Yi Lon Ma
what is the nodejs version?
Sun bearOP
its the latest
Yi Lon Ma
try running that command in cmd
Sun bearOP
what the one above?
Yi Lon Ma
yeah the create-next-app
Sun bearOP
i tried that remember?
thats where i gwt the error
Yi Lon Ma
did you try that in command prompt or powershell?
Sun bearOP
Yi Lon Ma
how about you create a folder yourself?
mkdir ~\AppData\Roaming\npm
Sun bearOP
what after that?