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Preparing ISR Blog with Next.js and WordPress

DeliciousRiver posted this in #help-forum
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Where do I take .env.local.example from?
Answered by Zepeto
to illustrate what @rkstlohchab was explaining, there are screenshots with all the steps here
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39 Replies

Can you elaborate more about the question?
and what are you trying to build so that i can answer
I'm going through this manual
And I stuck on step 3
I'm trying to build a blog
alright lemme have a look
@DeliciousRiver should i tell you what is enb file
or you know about it
and tell you the solution
I don't know what it is
so basically
in any framework the env file holds the sensitive information
for examole if u use some library the provide you a key for that to work
u need to
go to your wordpress dashboard
check WPGraphQL plugin
it will provide you key
It's installed
which you have to fill in a specific file
in your root directory
you have to fill the key after the = sign
to illustrate what @rkstlohchab was explaining, there are screenshots with all the steps here
Thank you very much!
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And where do I take WORDPRESS_API_URL from?
@DeliciousRiver And where do I take WORDPRESS_API_URL from?
so if my domain name is, and GraphQL Endpoint is GraphQL, then I pass