Link component causing page reload | Tauri+Nextjs
Naeemgg posted this in #help-forum
Can anybody please tell me why the
its really causing too much problems for me.I have already a web app running fine but with tauri its causing a page reload and loosing all the states and other refs etc...
component of next is causing a full page reload when used with Tauri???its really causing too much problems for me.I have already a web app running fine but with tauri its causing a page reload and loosing all the states and other refs etc...
Answered by Naeemgg
If you place Card component from nextui inside a Link component from next/link.
6 Replies
can u share code..
@Labh can u share code..
Thanks for your interest @Labh but the issue is fixed
Turned out to be nextui library issue
If you place Card component from nextui inside a Link component from next/link.
It'll somehow cause the page to reload on navigation
Pretty strange