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Next.js 14 App Layout + Server Actions + Protected Routes

Ichneumonid wasp posted this in #help-forum
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Ichneumonid waspOP
Hi! I have the following structure:
πŸ“ app
 | πŸ“ [user]
   | βš›οΈ layout.tsx
   | βš›οΈ page.tsx
 | βš›οΈ layout.tsx
 | βš›οΈ page.tsx

In the app/page.tsx, I'm using Server Actions to redirect when the user is signed in:
// πŸ“ app/page.tsx
const user = await getUser();

if (user) {
   return redirect(`/${user.user_metadata.user_name}`);

My question is as follows. I am using app/[user]/layout.tsx to protect paths that are [user]/*:
// πŸ“ app/[user]/layout.tsx
import { getUserData } from "@/server/auth";
import { redirect } from "next/navigation";

const AppLayout = async ({ params }: { params: { user: string } }) => {
  const user = await getUserData(params.user);

  if (!user) {
    return redirect("/auth");
  return <div>AppLayout</div>;

export default AppLayout;

The app works but I am not clear if it is the right way. Taking into account that the app has multiple protected pages. πŸ€”

- getUserData It's a server action that checks if the user is logged in and if the path.user matches the Supabase getUser username:
export const getUserData = async (username: string) => {
  const user = await getUser();
  if (!user) {
    return redirect("/auth");
  if (user.user_metadata.user_name !== username) {
    return redirect(`/${user.user_metadata.user_name}`);
  return user;
Answered by B33fb0n3
your middleware right now only updates the session. Right now, it does not handle the auth process. As I said: If I would be you, I would let my middleware handle the auth process to protect specific routes
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11 Replies

If I need to protect data, then I would verify and authenticate my user inside my middleware and check only protected routes thought middleware. The middleware is handled on edge and serverside, so I am able to retrieve the data without a server action.

You might want to do the same, the secure your pages
Ichneumonid waspOP
Hii! I'm using the Supabase middleware:
import { type NextRequest } from "next/server";
import { updateSession } from "@/server/supabaseMiddleware";

export async function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
  return await updateSession(request);

export const config = {
  matcher: [

If I use the following in my [user]/layout.tsx:
import { getUserData } from "@/server/auth";

const AppLayout = async ({ params }: { params: { user: string } }) => {
  const user = await getUserData(params.user);
  return <div>{}</div>;

export default AppLayout;

and my getUserData:
export const getUserData = async (username: string) => {
  const user = await getUser();
  if (!user) {
    return redirect("/auth");
  if (user.user_metadata.user_name !== username) {
    return redirect(`/${user.user_metadata.user_name}`);
  return user;

Would it be well implemented? πŸ€”
I would be protecting and doing the redirect directly from the layout
your middleware right now only updates the session. Right now, it does not handle the auth process. As I said: If I would be you, I would let my middleware handle the auth process to protect specific routes
Ichneumonid waspOP
Oh ok, I got it. Thank you very much πŸ˜„
does that information solved your problem? πŸ˜„
@Ichneumonid wasp ?
Ichneumonid waspOP
Hii @B33fb0n3 πŸ˜„

In the end, I managed to solve it using Next.js middleware and looking at a Supabase example on Github. Thank you very much for your help!
Authentication and route protection worked great πŸ₯³
sure thing. Please mark solution
Ichneumonid waspOP
Ready πŸš€