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How to use jsx for innerHTML

Say's Phoebe posted this in #help-forum
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Say's PhoebeOP
"use client";
function this_runs_at_client_side(){
    let x = document.getElementById("content") as HTMLElement;
    x.innerHTML = (<>jsx here</>)

This is not correct, How can I use jsx correctly here?
Answered by Eric Burel
so in the React world you just get the base data in your RSC and then move to a "normal" client component
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41 Replies

Say's PhoebeOP
🥹 I found the answer:

"use client";
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';
function this_runs_at_client_side(){
    let x = document.getElementById("content") as HTMLElement;
    x.innerHTML = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<>jsx here</>)
Oh boy it hurts my eyes
react-dom/server is for the server, did you try this client-side ?
you'll find this documentation interesting
JSX is a language that is compiled to JavaScript, it can run as is into your browser, so this code only works in the context of .jsx/.tsx files that are properly built at some point to become actual JS
what's your use case ?
Say's PhoebeOP
I am trying to change the innerHTML of an element "use client" and when someone starts typing inside a search box, I am sorting the cards on the page, so, these cards are renderd using jsx with innerHTML.

I agree with your point that calling a server side function from client side is dangerous 🤣
I want exactly something like:
but like:
Say's PhoebeOP
this is the function
@Eric Burel what's your use case ?
Say's PhoebeOP
To explain what I need in 8 words:
a function to render jsx on client side
I think they’re trying to implement the chip input component. Something like this
They’re just kinda bad at explaining the problem
Say's PhoebeOP
I am trying to make the searchbox use jsx on this webpage:
onInput -> the innerHTML of the card's container should change
but I am using plain string to changethe content and not the jsx
Well ok, I give up, I don’t and can’t understand whatever you are trying to do
@joulev Well ok, I give up, I don’t and can’t understand whatever you are trying to do
Say's PhoebeOP
ok, let me ask this question in the easiest way possible:

Is there a function to convert jsx to html? that works on the client side?
I just need something exactly like:
But that runs on the client side
this is the best way I can explain my question
in React you are supposed to use state to implement such a use case
unless you really have a good reason to do that
Say's PhoebeOP
I agree, I am trying to use state but inside an async function, will that work?
yes but you are not showing any async function in your code ?
on_search is not async
Say's PhoebeOP
But the export default function page is
ah ok I see you are using a server component
ok so you need to split your code
in the async part, the RSC, just get the data with await
and pass it down directly to a client component
then in the client component code as you are used too in React
what you are trying to do here is adding state to server component by writing pure JS
Say's PhoebeOP
basically you are using the RSC as an HTML template and coding normal JavaScript
which may be fine in some case but probably not what you want, you are confused between 2 worlds, you need to pick one
so in the React world you just get the base data in your RSC and then move to a "normal" client component