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SheetContent error: Type '{ children: Element[]; side: "left"; className: string; }' is not assignab

Hassib posted this in #help-forum
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I'm using the Sheet component shadcn/ui, and I'm facing the following error:

Type '{ children: Element[]; side: "left"; className: string; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & SheetContentProps & RefAttributes<unknown>'.
Property 'children' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & SheetContentProps & RefAttributes<unknown>'.ts(2322)

Here's how I use it:

  <SheetTrigger asChild>
      className="shrink-0 md:hidden"
      <Menu className="h-5 w-5" />
      <span className="sr-only">Toggle navigation menu</span>
  <SheetContent side="left" className="flex flex-col">
    {/* rest of the code */}
Answered by Hassib
I removed and reinstalled the @radix-ui/react-dialog package and the issue has been solved.
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2 Replies

Other than that, when I'm opening the sheet.tsx implementation, the @radix-ui/react-dialog throws Cannot find module '@radix-ui/react-dialog' or its corresponding type declarations.ts(2307) error while it's installed.

Note: I'm using the ^1.0.5 version.
I removed and reinstalled the @radix-ui/react-dialog package and the issue has been solved.