Saving and rendering user generated markdown
Barbary Lion posted this in #help-forum

Barbary LionOP
Hey there, I wanted to make a website were you could share ideas and talk about recurrent topics. These ideas could be voted and there would be a leaderboard.
The idea content consists of a thumbnail, and text. I wanted to know how i could manage to keep that in sync and what tools i could've used. Because its my first time building a something like this.
I got recommended to use tools like pocketbase or supabase
The idea content consists of a thumbnail, and text. I wanted to know how i could manage to keep that in sync and what tools i could've used. Because its my first time building a something like this.
I got recommended to use tools like pocketbase or supabase
6 Replies

American Crow
What do you actually want to do? Yes, you should use a database for persistence. What do you mean keep in sync?

Barbary LionOP
Having dynamic routes, sorry i expressed without specifying what I meant
A slug parameter with db query
I have set up auth for now

American Crow
Yeah, that sounds about right
What are you trying to clarify?