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ESM support with NextJS

European imported fire ant posted this in #help-forum
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European imported fire antOP
I'm developing tooling for NextJS, and even if my compiled application is using ESM {type: module} in package.json I'm getting the following error from server/index.js

"type": "Error",
"message": "require() of ES Module /Users/leimonio/dev/ from /Users/leimonio/dev/ not supported.\nInstead change the require of next.config.js in /Users/leimonio/dev/ to a dynamic import() which is available in all CommonJS modules."

3 Replies

Australian Terrier
Seems like you might need to rename next.config.js to next.config.mjs and use import statements in there
the cjs next.config.js is still supported i think... can you show us the next.config.js file?
Asian paper wasp
The key is here:
if my compiled application is using ESM {type: module} in package.json
That makes every JS file by default in ESM. That means you can't do require(). So you have 3 options
1. Change the filename to next.config.cjs that explicitly tells Node.js that this is supposed to be a common JS file
2. Use import in the file instead of require()
3. Just don't add type: module