does anyone know how to do a button ripple effect with shadcn?
English Lop posted this in #help-forum
English LopOP
i love nextui's button ripple effect but i have no idea how to do such a thing in shadcn. could any of you point me in the right direction or assist me in some way?
9 Replies
you can just copy any styles, and apply those to shadcn button
@averydelusionalperson you can just copy any styles, and apply those to shadcn button
English LopOP
it's not that simple for the ripple effect though
so, like you need javascript?
English LopOP
i have no idea how the ripple effect is done
but yes it'd need javascript i would believe as the ripple comes from the cursor's position
I'm not sure too how to do it, but I believe you can google it, and add styles or other things here in the components/ui/button
you can ask doubts here if you get stuck while adding something.
Hi @English Lop, did you manage to add the ripple effect?
Here's what NextUI does to create the ripple effect: