next js 14 doesn't work on 6000 port ?
Transvaal lion posted this in #help-forum
Transvaal lionOP
next js 14 doesn't work on 6000 port ?
25 Replies
how are you trying to serve it?
"scripts": {
"dev": "next dev -p 8080",
"start": "next start -p 8080",
you need to change the package.json scripts like this
it's reserved for x11
Transvaal lionOP
but why does 6000 work in next js 12
it does?
Transvaal lionOP
yea only 13 and up version not working
that port was likely added to [this]( list when nextjs 13 released
yeah, next 12 may not work now?
never used port 6000, so IDK
Do you have any reasoning for wanting port 6000?
Transvaal lionOP
we already had 6000 for next 12 in a project and don't wanted to change it
for 3 portals. we using 6000, 6001, 6002
migrating to 14
it isn't about nextjs ig?
depends on the os
Transvaal lionOP
running in docker ubuntu: 20
and os next 12 works and 14 doesn't on 6000
I don't think it's the os
There's nothing we can do:
6000 port is blocked
Transvaal lionOP
yep seeems like need to change