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React New Compiler

Cane Corso posted this in #help-forum
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Cane CorsoOP
Hey, how will next.js handle the new react compiler update? i heard it will fix a lot of the performance issues by adding the ness memo, callback and useMemo function and etc, will next.js also handle it?
Answered by Asian black bear
Since we have to wait until React 19 comes out we can't say for sure how fast Next.js will integrate the features since it's using swc and Turbo at the moment.
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4 Replies

Saint Bernard
You're correct that the new React compiler update aims to improve performance by introducing optimizations like automatic useMemo, useCallback, and memoization for specific React components. However, Next.js already handles many of these optimizations itself.
Next.js Compiler: []
React Compiler Update:[]
Asian black bear
Next.js doesn't do any of the optimizations that the new React compiler aims for.
Asian black bear
Since we have to wait until React 19 comes out we can't say for sure how fast Next.js will integrate the features since it's using swc and Turbo at the moment.