Next.js & Prisma Update don't work (in build)
Mateo M posted this in #help-forum
Mateo MOP
When I create an API (eg: user.router.tsx), using this part of the code:
in production, ctx.db.user.update() won't work.
But as soon as I use next dev or next start, it does.
I should point out that before (1 month ago), it worked, and I haven't modified the code since.
Input or ctx.session work very well (as does the "user" table).
When I create an API (eg: user.router.tsx), using this part of the code:
updatePassword: protectedProcedure
.mutation(async ({ ctx, input }) => {
if (ctx.session? {
const hashedPassword = UserUtils.hashPassword(input.confirmNewPassword)
await ctx.db.user.update({
where: { id: },
data: { password: hashedPassword },
return true
} else {
throw new TRPCError({
in production, ctx.db.user.update() won't work.
But as soon as I use next dev or next start, it does.
I should point out that before (1 month ago), it worked, and I haven't modified the code since.
Input or ctx.session work very well (as does the "user" table).
Answered by Mateo M
Prisma have a problem for update(). I use updateMany() for update my data.
Prisma have a problem for update(). I use updateMany() for update my data.
1 Reply
Mateo MOP
Prisma have a problem for update(). I use updateMany() for update my data.
Prisma have a problem for update(). I use updateMany() for update my data.